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Dean A. Granitsas 

Dean A. Granitsas is a writer and instructor   currenly working as an English foreign expert at GCC's college of business.  He graduated summa cum laude from Muskingum University (America) with two BA degrees in English and philosophy. Before teaching at GCC, he taught at SUSTC (南科大) and Shenzhen University.   He has experience teaching writing, speaking, culture and IELTS preparation.   He is interested in the integration of science and art.

Dean A. Granitsas是一位英语教师兼作家,目前在太阳成集团tyc122cc任职英语教师。他以优异成绩毕业于美国马斯京根大学,获得英语和哲学两个学士学位。在之前,他曾任教于南科大和深圳大学。他有丰富的英语口语、学术写作和创意写作、雅思备考和综合英语的公司产品经验。
