Recently, the class of 2020 graduates have successfully graduated. According to statistics by July 17, 2020, a total of 61 students have been admitted by famous universities at home and abroad this year, among which the promotion rate of Logistics ...
2020-09-23On the morning of September 2, the International College held the 2020 Faculty Conference in Room 306 of the Second Teaching Building. Vice President Jia Chaoof Guangzhou College of Commerce, Dean Guo Hang of International College, Vice Dean Long H...
2020-09-23On the morning of September 8, 2020, the unveiling ceremony of the International College Global Education Service Centerwas held in the 202-meeting room of the International College. Xu Hui, member of the party group, deputy director, and first-lev...
2020-09-22On 16 th May 2020, the team of "Encounter Huang Xiaoci" from International College, Guangzhou College of Commerce won the first prize in the quarterfinals and a bronze award in the final competition. This team consists of four students and two instru...
2020-05-292020年5月16日,第一届全国供应链大赛圆满落幕,太阳成集团tyc122cc2017级物流管理专业何玉婷、黄睿、刘香玉和2018级物流管理专业佘妍慈组成的“偶遇黄小糍”队在黄小娟和麦宗琪两位指导老师的带领下,取得本科组复赛一等奖和决赛铜奖的佳绩,两位指导老师荣获大赛优秀指导老师称号。 本次大赛由中国物流与采购联合会主办,厦门易木科技有限公司提供技术支持,大赛以供应链运营管理为核心思想, 通过供应链运营实战模拟, 对培养员工严谨周密的思维方式、 系统的思维能力和运营的全局观, 提升团队合作和沟通协调等...
2020-05-22The preliminary competition of the 5th Teaching Contest for Young and Middle-aged Teachers of the International College was successfully held in the Room 405 of the International College on the afternoon of May 15. The competition was presided o...
2020-05-21The epidemic situation of the Corona virus is spreading rapidly in many places around the world. The school and family in China are concerned regarding the situation of the students who are studying in foreign countries. Under the unified leadership ...
2020-03-20Since the spread of the coronavirus epidemic in the world, Vice Chairman Guo Xiaocong of our school is concerned about the development of the overseas epidemic. He is concerned about the students of our students studying abroad, and the school leader...